Here in the southern hemisphere we’re well into Spring, which is an excellent time to consider the value of change.
“Change is the only constant in life.” ~ Heraclitus
We humans are a curious bunch, aren’t we?
We take extreme measures to avoid change, to keep things “as-is” and yet… nothing remains the same moment to moment.
And we know it.
Even when change might herald in new growth and opportunities that’ll enrich our life, we sometimes struggle like a mo’fo to keep a stranglehold on the status quo.
In retrospect, this always seems counter-intuitive
But smack-bang in the middle of the moment of change, our inner ARGGGGGHHHHHH raises its head and says WTF? Whoah there, horsie!
Change in our routine on any level can be unnerving, because routine helps to create structure.
And, for many people structure and routine are a way of connecting to identity: who we think we are, our value and place in the world.
So a change in our career for example, can be both exciting (a new company, challenges and maybe more money) and scary (a new company, people, challenges, and responsibilities)!
A change in where we live can affect how we think about ourselves. A change in employment status (employed vs fired!) can impact our self-worth. As can a change of roles in life (first-time parents, retired etc).
Change contributes heavily to ramping up our stress levels
Fear of change is related to our primal survival instinct – are we safe?
If things change around us, is that a danger in any way? And how can we be really and truly sure?
Stress is a flag that our nervous and adrenal systems are being primed for action.
However, our modern-day life sometimes contributes to our living in a conditioned state of stress! Which is like constantly keeping your foot down on the gas pedal.
We can feel over-stimulated, nervous, exhausted, highly emotional. Over time, persistent stress can trigger states of anxiety and/or depression.
Which can have an impact on our health: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and metaphysically.
Just consider: how your physical appetite can change if you’re nervous, excited, worried, or fearful.
So what can we do? We can’t control all of our life circumstances, BUT we can control our response to them.
Allowing for, instead of struggling with change
All of that worry and fear and nervousness takes up a HUGE amount of our energy!
So imagine how life could be different if you were to make an allowance for change in your life?
What would you be doing with your time if you weren’t brooding over how change will affect you?
Importantly, how can you create more flexibility in your mind and thoughts so that when change does show up, you can adjust more gently and easily?
10 tips to create room for change in your life…
- Don’t always sit in the same seat – on public transport, in a classroom or at work (i.e. lunch areas.
- Make a game of exploring public transport! Get on a different part of the train/bus/tram whenever you use it.
- Drive/walk/cycle new paths when time allows, instead of the ones you always use.
- Get your coffee at a different coffee shop every now and then (I know, that’s a hard call!)
- Go travelling – locally, interstate or overseas. Just visiting a new place in your own home town that you’ve never been to before, can be great fun!
- Do something creative: sing, dance, paint, make a vision board, make a sandcastle, build something, visit an art gallery.
- Observe your habits – when you discover yourself “always” doing or thinking certain things, challenge yourself to create small changes!
- OR if you’re the sort of person whose always doing “random” things, attempt to do the same thing for a few days or weeks in a row. See how that feels!
- Step out of your comfort zone. If you think you’re “terrible” at something, give it a go for a couple of months and see what’s possible. (Also, desist from telling yourself you’re “terrible” at anything!) Or if you never go to the movies without a buddy, give that a go!
- Make regular de-clutter dates with yourself – clean your desk, your wardrobe, refine your possessions, get rid of books and music you’ve outgrown.
Space = opportunity
When we create space in our lives, we also open up to opportunities we couldn’t have seen if we’d maintained the status quo.
And as Marilyn Monroe says (see the quote at the top of the page), sometimes we think we’re losing something that’s already a good thing.
Only,,, the space created by things “falling apart” can lead to even better possibilities we’d never thought possible.
You could choose to think:
“Ahhh, here’s an opening. Here is space. I wonder what possibilities will come along now that there’s room?”
Sure, it could take a little while to integrate this new perspective when change comes a-knocking.
Of course, you could book in for a Kinesiology session!
Kinesiology is BRILLIANT for helping us release stress, tension and worry around change.
It’s also amazing at helping you re-program your thought patterns and detect and clear sabotage patterns.
Which makes Kinesiology an excellent change management tool for your life. Yes!
Wanna make an appointment?
You can use my online booking system to find a date and time that suits you.
It’d be an absolute pleasure and an honour to help you navigate change and finding new ways of thinking about the associated possibilities!
Much love,