A rebellious yell

A shriek lived within my bones!
For years unknown
Silently seething
Never speaking
No way out
Holding its own court
Of energetic outrage
Inside a soundproof hall
No words, no words
It’s only language: terrible pain
But today!
I invited myself to be held and heard
In the safest place I know
Hugged by pastel hued and formerly volcanic hills
We invited the the unsung song
Say what it is that we need to know, I prayed
For I don’t know what else to ask
Before a voice could be found for the silenced
Blessings descended!
Did you know…
We are also perceived by the light
We are not just the perceiver
We are felt in every way by the space we consider empty
Holding space for our eventual awakening
But we forgot these things a long time ago
And never were we taught again…
Yet, reminders of this truth live in shadows we’d rather not stir!
When it’s time though
When the stars align
The light of the Divine bridges
The unsurpassable cavern
Letting down it’s golden highway
Rivulets of light and honey
There you are, She exclaims with a heavenly embrace
Holding dark forlorn endings close, loved
Reconnecting long forgotten pathways
And guiding the terse release protocol
Then… a silent scream
Thundering frustration
Anger, and the strain I’ve worn
Contorting my face, fingers and toes
And gathering the ugliest sounds
To be heard
Finally to listened to
The life force of all that emotion released from form!
Freedom on the lips
Equals freedom in the hips

Words by me 🙏
📷 Wild Woman Singing Over The Bones by Catherine Meyers

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  1. “Freedom on the lips / Equals freedom in the hips.” Wow. Those words really spoke to me. I have severe childhood trauma from an abusive parent, and have suffered from a congenital hip problem that required drastic surgery in my 30s, but I still have pain and deformity in that area today. I’ve felt for a long time that beings stifled from speaking my truth by this abusive parent caused my hip condition. So thank you for what feels like confirmation. I found my way here through the the Awakenings Conversations Podcast video about your kundalini story.

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