How’s your December going?
If you’re about to say challenging, or stressful, please please remember that you’re not alone.
As the media sends out messages of togetherness and joy, what if you simply don’t feel those things?
The lead up to Christmas and the end of the year is not easy for many people for lots of reasons, such as:
- While this time of year is “meant” to be about family time, not everyone has a happy family life. This is not unusual or weird!
- You might be missing loved ones who’ve passed away, or feel alone or isolated for some other reason.
- You may also be feeling frustrated that your plans for the year didn’t work out. Those old patterns of thinking you’re a failure/not good enough might rear their heads!
- The ending of a romantic relationship or being single and desiring a partner can be tough at the end of the year.
- Financial stress feel more difficult than usual at a time that’s meant to be about giving to others.
Then it’s a good idea to become your own best medicine!
Care for and nurture yourself as you would for one of your dearest friends.
Of course you can do this any time of year but if you’re triggered by events such as Christmas, become a source of loving kindness to yourself.
Here’s a few ideas for you…
- Reach out to others
Even though you might assume everyone around you is doing okay, it’s often not the case. Our culture teaches us to hide how we feel, and so many people wander around trying to keep their feelings to themselves instead of seeking support.
So ask other people what’s going on for them. Be curious. Acknowledge that difficult times happen to everyone and it’s okay. It’s very human and very real. - Rest lots, move your body daily, eat well, drink lots of water!
The basics…but have you noticed how you avoid doing these things when you’re feeling a bit low? - Treat yourself
Book yourself a Kinesiology session, a holiday, a massage, go for a hike, visit the beach (one of my favourite things!)
For me, visits to the beach, and immersing myself in the stabilisation of salt water are imperative to feel calm and balanced any time of year. - Positive self talk
What have you done well this year? What are you pleased about in your life and personal experiences? What are your plans for the new year? - Participate in or even host an Orphan’s Christmas!
Honestly they can be such joyful events because it’s the coming together of people who choose each other’s company, free of obligation and family drama!
Generate your own joy! - Volunteer your time/make a donation
Hot tip – most not-for-profits are overwhelmed with requests to volunteer on holiday days such as Christmas. So you mightn’t have any luck there. But you could always arrange to visit a retirement home (too many residents don’t have any visitors). Or you could get involved with a great Christmas appeal campaign like Share the Dignity’s #itsinthebag.
Taking the focus off yourself, and doing something for others instead is a brilliant way to take care of yourself, while helping others at the same time.
There are dozens of ways to take care of yourself and act as your own best nurturer.
Related: Self-care in the between days
Even if you do have family to spend time with over Christmas you still might need to engage in some self care to support you before and/or afterwards. Am I right?
You can never be too kind to yourself!
Much love,