Gender neutrality, the divine masculine and feminine

Gender neutrality, the divine masculine and feminine

So… you’ve probably noticed the rise in people – especially younger people – who don’t identify with gender in the way previous generations did.

Gender neutrality, gender fluidity, non-binary, etc…

These are some of the terms that are often used to describe this shift in identification with one’s physical body, sexuality and gender.

It’s all fine and wonderful.

The universe is infinitely vast and can express in any possible way.

However, gender neutrality doesn’t invalidate your right to explore the divine masculine and feminine principles

Because these are much more than just a human male and female.

This is about the division of unity consciousness into two polarised aspects of its Self: the divine masculine and feminine.

And the truth is that we contain both aspects within our human selves, regardless of our gender or identity.

As such, there can be a lot of value and insights to be gained by exploring these principals more deeply, and connecting to your own divinity and sacredness.

Divine Masculine and Feminine audio series

A while back, I made a three-part audio series talking about the divine masculine and feminine.

It was in response to a client’s question, when they realised that actually they didn’t know much about these concepts.

I’d love to hear what you think!

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

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