How To Do a 12 Month Oracle Card Reading

How to do a 12 month oracle card reading

So to expand on my “How to Choose & Use an Oracle Card Deck” post, I thought I’d share my New Year’s Day use of oracle cards to give myself a 12-month reading.

I’ve been doing oracle readings for YEARS

My first contact with oracle readings came from studying a Norse runic tradition. One aspect of that tradition was reading runes (Younger Futhark) as an oracle.

I’ve a couple of rune sets I carved myself, and still use when I feel the need. That’s them below!

my hand carved rune sets

More recently I’ve been using oracle cards because they can be a little more relate-able for clients.

As my psychic abilities developed (I’ve strengths in each of the “four clairs”), oracle readings have become one of the many ways I to tap into information for myself or others that sits just beyond the “known” or the “seen”.

I chose 12 cards (see pic at the top)

The cards came from two of the decks I happened to have with me on the day – the Indigo deck and the Colour cards. I muscle tested myself to figure out how many decks to use and which ones. If you’re not trained in muscle testing, you can simply use your intuition.

Also in frame are some of my personal crystals. I invoked their help to focus my attention on what I was doing.

So what did I do here?

I set an intention for the reading:

“Show me a card for each month of the year to shine some light on where my attention and efforts should be place for 2015”

Note: The scene for your reading doesn’t have to be all fancy-pants woo-woo freakin’ awesome and perfect! When I started my reading, I was wearing a kaftan, hadn’t had a shower yet and was watching something stoopid on TV. That’s right, folks!

Then I was all… hmmm, let’s burn some incense to get me in the mood. And hey, gonna grab a few crystals. Okay!

Then I came back to my intention

The TV was still on for the first few cards, before I got right into what I was doing.

So yeah, you can still do an awesome reading for yourself without it being hyper-ritualised or super spiritual and Instagram-ready. 😀

Choosing cards…


Sometimes I still go with pure instinct, and sometimes I muscle test myself coz muscle testing is just another (faster) way to tap into that inner knowing.

I set my intention to select the ideal card for each month – whatever was in my Highest Good.

(Oh btw, the only reason they’re in a circle in the pic above? Was because it pleases me and looks nice in the photo.)

I took my time, and didn’t start checking the meanings straight away…

Delving in to the deets

As I worked, I realised that I could use this reading in two ways:

  1. Each card relating specifically to each month
  2. AND each card also relating overall to the year

So I grabbed my 2015 notebook, and started writing the month and the name of the card.

Then I began looking them up in the companion books for each deck.

I wrote down what seemed pertinent to me, and then checked in (with both intuition and muscle testing!) to see if there was any other info I needed to be aware of.

Bonus: Use your reading to inspire goals & intentions!

As the picture of the year unfolded, I realised that I could use the reading to expand on goals and intentions I have for the upcoming year.

Some of the stuff that came up was obvious and already on my radar, while other cards really made me think and feel deeper into what else could be possible for me in 2015.

Which led to several hours of dreaming, creativity, planning and imagining.

It was awesome, and a lovely intuitive approach to the New Year.

Do your own reading!

You are not alone

You can follow the above method if it sounds good to you…

If you’re using multiple oracle card decks, you could choose a card per month from each deck, giving you 2-3 (or more!) cards per month.

It’s up to you; be as creative as you please.

Also? You can then do a reading per month as the year progresses, in whatever format you like!

Keep notes you can refer to later on. It can be really useful and enhance your insights. 🙂

If you’d like a reading with me…

We can incorporate a reading into a Kinesiology session, or we can do a Skype or in-person oracle reading.

Sound good? Get in touch and let’s sort something out!

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

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