Why I Don’t Believe That Anyone But You Can Tell You What Your Life Purpose is

Why I don’t believe anyone but you can tell you what your life purpose is

I had this chat with a client the other day and I thought I’d share it with you, too.

Soooo many people these days are very interested in discovering their “life purpose”

When clients come in wanting to know if I can help them with this, I tell them the possibly frustrating truth:

That unfortunately there’s no directory that contains everyone’s name and a neat little description that says: “”This is your life’s purpose and work”.

It helps to have clues, and clues come from exploration. From pursuing what sparks your interest without any expectation of getting any answers.

Essentially it helps to live your life instead of wonder what your life should be like!

And so in this way, I CAN help

I have intuitive gifts, muscle testing and other ways to gather information that can help point you in the right direction.

But at this point, the direction is still broad, right?

So your job is to live your life.

To not expect all of the answers to fall into your lap. And to allow space for more than one layer or angle to your life purpose.

Actually I made a video about this a while back…

Then there’s this…

There’s always the potential for another layer of the “what was I put on this earth to do” story

And you don’t have to go any further down the rabbit hole than you feel inspired to go.

Plus! Over time your understanding of your purpose will refine. Mine sure has.

In marketing terms this is called niche-ing.

In my world however, it looks like a deeper and deeper understanding of knowing what I’m here to share.

My core teachings and the best way that my healing work can serve.

And so it’s in these ways that no one but you can really say what your life purpose is.

So stop handing over your power and doubting your intuitive abilities already!

Trust yourself.

Enjoy your life.

Be curious.

Pursue your interests.

Reflect, gain insights and watch and learn!

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

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