As many of you know, I LOVE a good analogy. This one is courtesy of my very own garden. How cool is that?!
You’ve probably heard the saying: I can’t see the woods for the trees
Well, how about this one… is it a weed or a plant?
My landlords are very keen gardeners, so despite not being the most skilled green thumb myself, I’ve made an effort to keep the garden in good shape.
Or so I thought.
Recently, my real estate agent did a scheduled inspection, and the feedback from the landlord was that there was a noxious weed growing in the garden.
Would I be able to have a go at removing it, they asked.
Attached to their email was a photo with the weed circled. While I was expecting to see something small, it actually looked like this…

As a non-gardener, I had no idea that this healthy-looking greenery was a black locust weed.
Poisonous but not fatal. Who knew that a weed could look for all the world like a tree?!
And yet, it did. I said I’d have a go at removing it myself and muchas points to me, I DID IT without injuring myself or the plants around it.
The black locust weed has a really strong root system, grows up to 17 meters tall, and is apparently super-efficient at excluding native vegetation.
So removing it wasn’t the easiest gardening I’ve ever done, because the roots were both deep and wide. And they did not want to be moved.
It’s fair to say that most of us have “noxious weeds” growing…
Which can include things like: holding negative thoughts and beliefs, stress, toxic relationship patterns, emotional wounds, chronic physical health issues, trauma, self-rejection, and much more.
- Unless you’ve done the work to investigate, you mightn’t know you’ve got any “weeds” growing in the first place!
- You might instead believe something like… “that’s just how things are”.
- While you can sometimes do the de-weeding work yourself, the support of an experienced practitioner who knows a “weedy garden” when they see it, can be very helpful.
- Some “weeds” are easy to remove, while others are…not.
- They can also be good at spreading their seeds and re-growing where you least expect them.
- Allowing “weeds” to remain a part of your self-identity is a way of feeding them, and encouraging more of the same – an expansion of stuff we’d rather be rid of. Doh!
- We don’t always know how to clear the decks. You mightn’t believe it’s even a possibility.
- Your “weeds” might look perfectly normal, all the while they’re multiplying and taking over the landscape of your mind!
- The roots of our “weeds” can be deep and a little tricky to budge. They might require multiple approaches, even multiple modalities to really clear out the deep-diving feeder roots.
How many “weeds” do you have thriving in your garden?
Not sure? To be honest, I don’t know if any of us really do.
A lot of our “weediness” lives in our subconscious, and pops up at seemingly random moments.
So even when we think we’ve got the whole thing sorted, I don’t believe that’s ever really the case.
Which is another reason why healing is an ongoing process!
How to maintain your inner garden
- Identify the “weeds” – ask for help from someone knowledgeable if needed.
- Understand what’s needed to remove them safely – which can be tricky if there’s trauma involved, and/or multiple physical body systems.
- Repair soil you’ve removed them from – so it’snot just ripped up earth. Put in some love and nurturing to make sure you fill the holes.
- Keep an eye out for unwanted re-growth – just like gardens, we humans need ongoing maintenance, too.
Kinesiology is super-helpful for “weeding the garden”
If you’d like to book a session, get in touch or use my online booking system to find a suitable date and time.
And in the meanwhile, happy gardening! Wishing you a blissful and weed-free inner landscape.
Much love,