Here’s something I’d like to make clear about all the things I share on my blog and on social media.
When I write about things that happen in clinic, I’m never writing about an individual
Also I’m definitely not writing about “others”, as some sort of all-wise, all-knowing perfect person.
Far from it.
In fact, usually what I’m writing about is a combination of my stuff, your stuff, and everyone else’s, too.
The reason why it might sound like I’m writing about you?
Is because so many of us share common issues.
We have the same fears. We critique ourselves in similar ways. We all want to be loved and seen for who we are. We don’t want to be abandoned or left alone. We want to feel satisfied, and as though our lives have meaning and purpose.
Heartache has the same core, even if the circumstances differ.
And for all of our striving, and attempting to create positive change, we all falter sometimes, too. Most of us are super-aware of our own perceived flaws.
When I write something and use the words “you”, just so you know, I’m talking about me, too.
I’m not ever excluding myself from the pool of human suffering. I don’t hold myself up on a pedestal as better than anyone.
In fact, most of my clients know that I have no problems revealing my imperfections
When we work together, I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re giving your power away to someone wiser or better than you… I want you to own your own power and wisdom.
It’s never just about you. It’s always also about me. You, me and everyone else, too.
Much love,