Let's talk about your TMJ/jaw pain

Let’s talk about your TMJ

Do you experience ongoing migraines? Neck, shoulder, hip or knee pain?

Do you often suppress your anger, or what you really think and feel?

Then you might have TMJ issues!

In layperson terms “TMJ” – the Temporomandibular Joint – is where your jaw bone (mandible) meets the temporal bone (part of your skull!).

TMJ pain occurs when the muscles that have an origin or insertion point along the mandible or temporal bones are holding excessive strain or inflammation.

The main muscles involved are: temporalis, buccinator, masseter, internal and external pterygoid.

Some people have very obvious TMJ symptoms such as:

  • Mild to extreme jaw pain
  • Jaw clicking or locking
  • Arthritis

However, sometimes TMJ issues can also sneakily present as:

  • Headaches
  • Neck, shoulders, hip or knee pain
  • Anger, anxiety or panic attacks

When clients come in with these issues I’ll often suspect – and investigate! – the TMJ.

TMJ isn’t just something you end up with because of lots of dental work – i.e. extended periods of time holding your mouth wide open.

Dental work can be one cause, BUT there are others such as…

  • Head trauma, including concussion
  • Emotional trauma
  • Chronic stress / PTSD

There are also metaphysical causes!

Issues with the upper chakras: crown/third eye/throat chakra as well as fetal programming, ancestral or past life trauma can also contribute to TMJ problems.

It’s such interesting stuff!

If you’ve learned to keep your anger or other strong emotions or feelings to yourself instead of expressing your truth, all of that pent up energy doesn’t just diffuse!

It simply finds parts of your body and energy system to hole up in. Which means that over time, you might find yourself feeling ever more frustrated/angry with no place else for your feelings to go.

It’s not a comfortable feeling.

<p”>Eventually your body communicates that it’s on overload by expressing what’s going on as physical pain.

The pain is a signal that something needs to change

In Kinesiology, we achieve excellent results in diffusing TMJ pain, as well as the associated emotional stressors.

It’s actually a super-cool protocol because we use what’s known as surrogate muscles to work with the small and hard to muscle test muscles of the TMJ.

We do this by asking another muscle to surrogate (act as) the stand in.

Interestingly, all of the TMJ muscles are on the stomach meridian.

In terms of the metaphysical meaning, TMJ is then related to what we try to “stomach” or digest that really… can give us indigestion!

Does this sound like you?

How about some DIY TMJ relief? What the short video I’ve made for you… I hope it helps your TMJ issues find some relief!

Oh and if you need more help with your TMJ?

Get in touch and book a session. TMJ work is usually best done over 3-6 sessions. We’ll get you sorted.

Kinesiology can absolutely transform your TMJ pain!

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

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  1. Thank you for the informative article and video! I knew there was an underlying reason for my TMJ. I intrinsically thought it to be exactly what you have explained too! Doing the massage exercises now!

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