Every now and then I ask my clients to create a vision board as homework for the Kinesiology sessions.
A vision board is a collage of images, words and anything else you’re inspired to add that represents your dreams and aspirations for either your whole life or a specific goal you’re working towards.
The benefits of making a vision board include:
- There’s no right or wrong way to make one
- It’s a creative task that uses your hands, conscious and sub-conscious mind
- If placed in a prominent spot, it can assist you in dreaming and planning for the future you want
- It can create ever-more inspiration as your dreams unfold
- You can add anything you want to it!
How to get started
- Get a REALLY big pile of stuff together (see points 4-8 below).
- Grab your glue stick, scissors, coloured pens, glitter and any other decorations that inspire you.
- Find a base. You can use box cardboard, sketching paper, wood – anything you like. Lately I’ve taken to using a corkboard, so that my vision board elements are easily interchangeable.
- Collect a stack of old magazines. Check with your friends and even at work to see who might be willing to donate magazines for your art project.
- Consider some of your favourite quotes. Scour the internet for quotes made into graphic form. Print and cut out anything you’d like to add. Or just hand write them and make them look pretty!
- Print out copies of photos of yourself/anyone you’d like to add to the board.
- If you’ve got a business card or graphics associated with your business, you might like to add those to your vision board, too.
- If you still feel like there’s something missing, create it!
Get clear on your intention…
- Set aside some quiet time for yourself.
- Start the day by eating well, maybe doing some exercise/yoga etc.
- Do a short meditation to centre yourself.
- Take some journaling time to explore… what is it you’d like to manifest in your life? How do you want things to be different? What positive changes need to happen in order for you to get where you want to be?
- See if you can identify 1-5 words that sum up where you’re going and what your goal is about.
- Put on some music to get yourself in the mood.
Ready, get set, go!
Allow yourself to be guided by your instincts and intuition.
Find the key images that are important to place on the base.
Lay a few things out so you can move things around and get happy with how it looks and feels.
If you’re using glue, then start gluing! You can always layer things over the top of each other.
Once you’ve got a good base of awesomeness happening, you can add other decorations – ribbons, glitter, keywords, post cards, and even crystals (I keep them in a little bag pinned to my board).
Happy with your work? Put it on display!
Most people like to put their vision boards up in their bedroom. Mine is at the foot of my bed, and above my dressing table.
Basically, place it somewhere you’ll easily see it to ensure you’re always being dosed with inspiration.
I use mine to check in with myself whenever I’m feeling off-track, but also as inspiration for my meditation practice.
Because mine is a corkboard, I shuffle things around as it suits me. Currently, the lyrics for the Beatles song “Let it be” are pinned up there, too!
Want more inspiration?
Paula is a lovely lady I met at a workshop, and she runs “What is your vision?” – it can be a lot of fun making your vision board in a group.
Do you have a vision board practice?
Please share your vision board if you’re so inspired!
Much love,