Muladhara chakra

Muladhara chakra

The foundational chakra of the seven main chakras of your energy body – Muladhara chakra – can be metaphysically associated with how you create identity in this life.

As a baby you are reliant on your care givers – and your sense of belonging, safety and feeling wanted is formed around those earliest experiences.

This can even begin in the womb as your human body is still forming and being programmed with the emotions and beliefs of your ancestors.

A healthy base chakra forms when you feel safe, protected, connected

Part of a group, tribe or family that helps you to feel stable, loved and wanted.

If however, your experiences in childhood were less than safe, and did not generate self-love or self-confidence…then a sense of belonging might be an issue for you.

It might be subtle or overt, and could express as being extra independent, and/or feeling rejected by the world.

In order to grow, and to transform your life experiences, it’s important to reclaim your sense of belonging in the world.

For those who’ve experienced childhood trauma, the most important goal to work towards is connecting to your own inner child, and inner mother and father.

It’s possible to learn to self-parent and self-partner so that at all times, your tribe starts with your own love, care and affection for yourself.

Perhaps if it feels right, you can also look at connecting to the Divine Mother and Father, the creators of All That Is.

We need to cultivate these connections because as long as we are seeking validation and love from external sources, we are powerless in the face of those sources being given or taken away.

Love, happiness and self-approval must come from you, and no one else. And/or from your connection to The Divine.

Sometimes despite our best efforts, there’s more work to be done, however.

Sometimes we need to redefine all of those early life programs

Relearn who we consider tribe and family. And release what no longer serves.

Because if your current definition of family includes those who are toxic for you, those who are abusive and do not see or love you for who you are…then that tribe will NEVER feel safe.

It might be time to create a new one for yourself, including only those who love you best.

For many people, the need for this change is nigh. It’s necessary for some of us in order to bloom in to our potential.

It can certainly take a great deal of courage to let go of what has always been.

But once you start to witness new possibilities for yourself in this way, and trust that something better and more functional is awaiting you…then the path becomes clearer.

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x



Image credit: Ashnandoah

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