Have you ever found yourself wanting to create change in your life but it just never seems to happen?
For example, you start an exercise program only to injure yourself and you lose all your momentum.
There are so many ways this can happen. It might impact changes you’d like to make for your health, getting a new job, setting boundaries or pretty much every area of your life.
If you’re feeling stuck but really wanting change, then there’s a good chance that at least one sabotage pattern or belief is in play.
Beliefs can be things like…
- It’s not safe to be successful
- If I get what I want, I might die/something bad will happen
- Moving on is dangerous
- People who love me only end up abandoning or betraying me
The list of beliefs we might be holding subconsciously are endless!
We become programmed with them because of experiences we’ve had earlier in life that were traumatic and scary.
Even if consciously we feel okay about taking certain actions, it can be a different story subconsciously.
Which is how we can end up feeling stuck
The good news is that we can re-program our core beliefs to support the changes we want.
But usually we need some help to find out what’s going on, and why.
Once we bring conscious awareness to the pattern, it’s possible to shift it. But you can’t change what you can’t see or feel!
This is where Kinesiology is awesome
I had my own session on Friday, and while I know that I’m on the precipice of some big changes in my life, there had been a few things holding me back.
The session was very powerful, so much so that the next day I had physical manifestations of not being able to step forward with ease… a suddenly painful tendon in my right ankle.
Luckily I was able to do more work on that issue myself.
Today my ankle is almost 100% again. Phew!
Change can be hard at the best of times
But when we’re also holding beliefs that sabotage our plans… well that sucks!
If you need a hand creating more flow and less stuckness in your life, get in touch to book a Kinesiology session.
You’ll be glad that you did!
Much love,