Paula Cutler
Having never met a Kinesiologist before, and never experienced this form of healing I was intrigued, curious and a little nervous.
One session online, and I was hooked. Ambha figured me out in about 10 minutes. Her energy is calming, and she has found pressures that I wasn't even aware that I was carrying. I ALWAYS feel happier, lighter and at peace with my body and myself after I finish a session with Ambha.
Trying to articulate what Ambha does is difficult to if you've never experienced Kinesiology.
I always use this explanation...
Several hours before singing in a major performance onstage in 2016, I saw Ambha. I was stressed, tired, worried about home issues and concerned my energy would be poor. I really wanted to cancel. I felt old.
After seeing her I floated on stage, enjoying the spectacle, feeling completely at peace, appreciating the moment and flow of the evening and singing my heart out. Without her healing, I would have missed one of the greatest moments of my 40's.
Paula Cutler
Singing Teacher