A circle of people, gathered together with a specific intention can be magical
Be they friends or strangers, coming together helps us understand the truth of our interconnectivity.
That, while we can feel alone in the world, we’re really all part of the whole. No exceptions.
It’s for this reason that I LOVE hosting in-person events, running groups and working with people 1:1.
Amazing things can happen when we work together. When we drop our shields and let other people see and hear us.
When you work with the power of the collective, it can be just the thing you need to create a shift you’ve been unable move through on your own.
Of course, it can feel easier sometimes – especially as a highly sensitive person – to avoid other people. But humans are social creatures, and we thrive on connection.
Even if it feels challenging at first, taking the steps to spend time with others in a group is beneficial to your nervous system and overall sense of wellbeing. Which leads me to…
7 reasons to come to the Divine Inspiration workshop
That’s right! I’m running a workshop called Reconnect to your Divine Inspiration on Sunday 9th September.
And here’s a few reasons why you might want to come along…
- Participate in an uplifting workshop with like-minded people
- Do something for yourself that will help you feel more connected to your Inner Being
- Learn more about intuition – yes you have it, even if you don’t feel connected to it right now!
- Learn simple and practical techniques to help you get connected to the Muse, and the Divine
- Clear blocks and frustrations that are currently getting in the way of something you’d dearly like to make happen, but feel like you just can’t!
- Find out what Kinesiology is all about in a group setting
- Be a part of a collective group energy healing – this is a unique experience. I’ve only offered a live workshop like this once before and it’s a truly special opportunity.
Want in/more information? Head over to the Facebook event page for details and/or to book your ticket now.
Surprise testimonial for working with me!
So, I was sharing the Divine Inspiration workshop in my Facebook group yesterday, when one of my long-time clients, Megan, wrote this lovely and unexpected testimonial.
If you’re thinking about coming to the workshop but you’re not sure, I hope that Megan’s words offer just the right level of ooomfff to get you over the line.
Wowza, thanks Megan! x
And…a special offer will be available to all workshop attendees
This offer is exclusive to workshop attendees and will be announced on the day. Woohoo!
Hope to see you there, beautiful souls. xx
Much love,