Beloveds, some of the conversations I shared today with a friend, were about our stories.
Things we were told over and over as children. Things we observed about the world around us. Beliefs we assumed based on what we thought was true.
What are your stories?
One of mine was: “I am too much… [fill in the blank]”
Too sensitive
Too off with the fairies
Too smart
Too tall
Too loud when I laugh
Too boisterous
Too energetic
Too good at [fill in the blank]
Simply. Too. Much.
This story is part of the belief in my family of origin. “Amanda is too much. Amanda doesn’t know when to stop.” (Totes BS btw)
So for most of my young life, I did my best to fit in. To not be too much. To be less.
But of course it never worked out that way.
All of that “too much” would simply spill over the sides awkwardly. Much to my embarrassment.
Clearly I don’t do that any more.
At some point I realised that I needed to inhabit my authentic self
The exact size and shape of my soul and my energy.
I stopped apologising for being me. And I stopped trying to blend in.
Because my “too muchness” is one of my gifts. It’s not meant to be hidden away or treated as something that’s wrong.
But…until I became conscious that this story even existed? I couldn’t liberate the energy that held it in place.
Do you know what your stories are?
There tends to be layers upon layers of them!
Much love,