You are god enough & you are good enough

You are god enough

No that’s not a typo… you ARE god enough

Firstly, this is not about religion.

When I use the word god I’m referring to unity consciousness or if you like, the Big U.

It’s interesting to me that the word good contains one more letter than god, and that many of us carry the story that we aren’t good enough.

It’s a story that runs deep, and it cuts us to the bone

Feeling not good enough can cause all kinds of havoc in our lives.

Lately I’ve been pondering more on talking to my clients more directly about this core issue – that on some level we DO know we are god/unity consciousness, BUT for the most part we don’t buy it, do we?

This hurts us.

Not only do we believe we aren’t good enough at things…we also feel we are not enough god.

Which informs everything we do.

We see ourselves as broken and useless. We feel undeserving and pointless. And we hold ourselves in contempt.

It’s not an easy or comfortable way to live, is it?

What if we always choose instead to hold ourselves up to the light?

To love our wounds as blessings and lessons that allow us to contribute to the expansion of the universe and all that god is and understands?

What if we allow ourselves to ponder own own divinity at least as often as we cut ourselves down with negative self talk?

What if you are in fact, both good and god enough?

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

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