You, your immune system and winter

You, your immune system and winter

In Australia, we’re heading into colder weather, which can put an extra tax your immune system!

Related: Got a cold? Here’s why you shouldn’t go to work  (The Guardian)

Because it really isn’t more productive to “soldier on”, take cold and flu medication and go to work anyway!

Also… did you know that you can build and strengthen your immune system?

True story: I used to be one of those people who got at least one cold every winter.

Or at least one major cold and several minor ones.

Every. Winter. For years. 

At high school, I was known as the kid who always had a cold. During winter, I carried a box of tissues around with me to classes.

This continued for most of my adult life until about five years ago.

So what changed?

It wasn’t because I was having flu shots. Instead, it was about focusing on improving my inner health and wellness.

I worked with my Kinesiologist and naturopath. Worked out what I should/shouldn’t be eating (i.e. what strengthened and weakened my health and wellbeing). I faced and healed a lot of old traumas. And I learned the appropriate pace for my body to work at.

In other words, I learned to say no to adverse levels of stress, and taking on commitments that weren’t in my best interests.

I learned what my body needs to feel nourished – food, sleep, exercise, rest, nature, creativity, inspiration, fun.

These days, I’m pretty good at staying on track with self-care. 😉

All of which supports a strong immune system, yay!

A key aspect of boosting your immune system is stress reduction

Emotional and physical stressors play havoc with your nervous system, which in turn impact your immune system.

Related: Is your stress response broken?

It’s also important to stay hydrated in Winter as part of a healthy immune system.

On a metaphysical level, the immune system is about having good defenses from external and internal pathogens.

So if you’re feeling “invaded” or “under attack” in any way, there’s a good chance you need to do some work to nourish your immune system and perhaps also your energetic boundaries!

How can you support your immune system?

  • Eat well – a variety of veggies (eat the rainbow), sufficient protein
  • Eat warm foods in winter – avoid cold foods, and eat soups, broths, warm meals, and lots of herbal tea
  • Drink plenty of water – I always start the morning with a large glass of warm water
  • Reduce inflammatory foods – sugar, wheat, dairy and anything you have a known intolerance or allergy to
  • Minimise or cut out alcohol and drugs – including ciggarettes
  • Get plenty of sleep – go to bed early if you can
  • Move your body – walking, yoga, tai chi, cycling, swimming etc
  • Use supplements if necessary – magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, gluathione, and vitamin D are all good options. Get support from a practitioner to make sure you’re only taking what you need.
  • Use tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms – these are classified as food, not supplements and can be a massive boon to the nervous system. Personally I use the Superfeast brand.
  • Reduce stress – practice meditation, have a Kinesiology session, take care of your emotional wellbeing, and avoid reading the news too much (it’s full of fear!)

If you feel like you need support for your health, mind or emotions, book a Kinesiology appointment

The sooner you start, the better chance you give yourself of being strong and stable in the colder months.

Much love,
Ambha Amanda x

P.S. Then there’s this: #thingsclientssay Why do I feel so tired after my Kinesiology session?

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